
The D = 11 pure spinor superparticle has been shown to describe linearized D = 11supergravityinamanifestlycovariantway. Anumberofauthorshaveproposedthat its correlation functions be used to compute amplitudes. The use of the scalar structure of the eleven-dimensional pure spinor top cohomology introduces a natural measure for computing such correlation functions. This prescription requires the construction of ghost number one and zero vertex operators. In these notes, we construct explicitly a ghost number one vertex operator but show the incompatibiliy of a ghost number zero vertex operator satisfying a standard descent equation for D = 11 supergravity.


  • A number of authors have proposed that its correlation functions be used to compute amplitudes

  • The use of the scalar structure of the eleven-dimensional pure spinor top cohomology introduces a natural measure for computing such correlation functions

  • This prescription requires the construction of ghost number one and zero vertex operators

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Ghost number one vertex operator

The ghost number one vertex operator will be constructed from a small perturbation of the pure spinor BRST operator whose nilpotency will follow from the D = 11 linearized supergravity equations of motion and the pure spinor constraint. On the other hand, using eq (A.2) one can show that at linear order [DC , DD} = TCDADA − 2Ω[CD}ADA (3.4). Using the D = 11 supergravity constraints (A.12), one finds that. {Dα, Dβ} = (Γa)αβDa − 2Ω(αβ)γ Dγ if one defines the BRST operator to be (3.5). After converting (3.6) into a worldline vector with ghost number 1 by replacing operators by corresponding worldline fields, one concludes that. The linearized supercurvature components can be written in terms of the super spin-conection using eq (A.4).

Ghost number zero vertex operator
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