
Summary In this study of the antigenic activities of hemolytic streptococci from different infections, the potency and valency of antitoxic goat sera produced with 8 strains were compared with that of a serum produced with a standard strain. One slightly toxic strain apparently had little antigenic activity. Six strains producing potent toxins neutralized by the standard serum varied markedly in their antigenic activities. One produced a serum which in all instances reacted similarly to the standard serum. None of the other 5 strains produced a serum of such broad valency. Two of the sera neutralized the toxins of 4 of the strains used for serum production; two had slight or definite activity with only one toxin other than the homologous; the fifth was apparently active with the homologous toxin only. A serum produced by the use of the toxins of 2 of these 5 strains was more broadly valent than the monovalent serum of either strain but not so broadly valent as the serum produced with the standard strain. The eighth strain, the toxin of which was not neutralized by the standard serum, produced a serum active against the homologous and one of the heterologous toxins used for serum production, but inactive against the standard toxin. No other serum neutralized the toxin of this strain. Neutralization tests of these different sera with a large number of different toxins gave similar results.

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