
which supports the glebal lamellae. The scaliness is the result of break-up of the volva and cutis. Pileus remaining closed at maturity; the gleba not exposed except in age when tearing and general break? down of the lower part of the pileus make the lamellae visible. Stipe cylindrical, 9.5-10 X 3-4.5 cm (excluding the columella), concolorous with the pileus, firm, solid, with white pith-like interior and tough rind 2-3 mm thick, smooth to rimose-areolate, sheathed with adherent patchlike remains of the volva which forms a membranous annulus around the lower edge of the pileus. Stipe tapering centrally through the gleba to form a percurrent columella measuring 6 X 1.5-3 cm and having a rind 1-1.5 mm thick. Several white rhizinae are present at the base of the stipe. Gleba composed of vertically arranged, wavy, anastomosing lamellae which are grayish at first, becoming dark brown, then black. Although in contact with the columella, the lamellae show no definite attachment to any part of that structure, but are attached full-length to 1 This work is not connected with the author's assigned research; moreover, it has been done outside of official hours, and all statements are entirely his responsibility. 2 Miss Elizabeth E. Morse was greatly interested in the Longula-Gyrophragmium problem and repeatedly referred to it in her letters. Had she been able to complete the paper on which she was working during her last years, I am sure that her conclusions would have been in entire agreement with those of Dr. Harding. I stated this in correspondence with Dr. Harding, and at his request I am inserting this note.?G. W. Martin.

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