
The continuation of the Liouville conformal field theory to $c\ensuremath{\le}1$ is considered. The viability of an interpretation involving a timelike boson which is the conformal factor for two-dimensional asymptotically de Sitter geometries is examined. The conformal bootstrap leads to a three-point function with a unique analytic factor which is the same as that which appears along with the fusion coefficients in the minimal models. A corresponding nonanalytic factor produces a well-defined metric on fields only when the central charge is restricted to those of the topological minimal models, and when the conformal dimensions satisfy $h>(c\ensuremath{-}1)/24$. However, the theories considered here have a continuous spectrum which excludes the degenerate representations appearing in the minimal models. The $c=1$ theory has been investigated previously using similar techniques, and is identical to a nonrational conformal field theory (CFT) which arises as a limit of unitary minimal models. When coupled to unitary matter fields, the nonunitary theories with $c\ensuremath{\le}\ensuremath{-}2$ produce string amplitudes which are similar to those of the minimal string.

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