
Even though our physical world appears to us as a stationary place it is actually filled with motion some of which we can easily see but also many others which are not visible to our eyesight. The space about us appears to be void but its actually a place of various types of forces, energies, particles, waves and others things which are in motion. We simply cannot see these things. Therefore our world is a far more complex place than we have ever imagined. And we have also learned that all these invisible forms of reality are governed by singular laws which apply only to that entity. So the world we live in is not just what we can see with our eyes. There exists many things in our world which are not visible to our eyesight. When we look at 'life' we find something which appears to be a different and separate form of reality. Even though all living things are made out of physical substances life has its own unique characteristics which put it in a different category of existence. Life consists of two things; a physical entity plus something else which is not a part of the physical aspect of life. For one thing life is something which needs to keep feeding itself in order to remain in existence. All forms of life are governed by a program by which each organism passes through a series of stages in its development, its mature stage of existence and finally a period of decline so as to reach a predetermined end to its lifespan. What makes life so different from anything that preceded it is this intelligently designed program which governs its period of existence and then brings it to an end. Life is a temporary event but which also reproduces itself so as to provide a replacement to continue its species. And in the process of reproduction the new organism can be an evolution from the past one so as to adapt to conditions which change over a period of time. Then, on a more advanced level of reality, we come to humanness which consists of a will and a cognitive ability. A human being is therefore a composite of three levels of reality. We are physically made of the substances out of which all things in the universe are made out of. We are also a form of life which means that we are governed by a program which determines the course of our existence. And then, we are endowed with the power to be able to learn, make decisions, create things of our own design and much more.

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