
In connection with the General Meeting at Bridlington a Two-day’s Field Excursion was arranged for the examination of the coast sections between Bridlington and Filey, on Friday and Saturday, June 8th and 9th. The party was under the leadership of the Rev. E. Maule Cole, M.A., F.G.S., and Messrs. P. F. Kendall, F.G.S., and J. W. Stather, F.G.S. On the arrival at Bridlington of the trains from Hull and Scarborough, a start was made along the beach, and the Glacial and Chalk beds up to the South Landing were examined. A special halt was made there in order to allow of a search for the bed containing arctic shells, identifiable fragments of which were obtained. The road was then taken to Flamborough where a West Riding contingent was added to the party, and, after luncheon, the journey was resumed to the Lighthouse in wagonettes. There a prolonged examination of the large boulders of Speeton and Kimeridge Clay, and Red Chalk, was made, and the remarkable crater-like hollows, formed by the falling-in of sea-caves, were duly admired. A rapid walk was then taken along the cliffs to Bempton, the notable example of denudation at North Landing being of special interest. Fragments of chalk were found along the cliff top, having been torn off and carried up by the wind in recent heavy gales and strewn over the fields for considerable distances inland. After a rest to view the contortions of the Chalk at Old Dor, and the pranks of thousands of ...

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