
Although this taxon has been neglected since its publication, it is deserving of closer attention and study. Its neglect is perhaps due to the fact that Clarke cited under it, in addition to some specimens which seem to be typical majuscula as I interpret the taxon (Miller 97, Punch), one which is no more than a large state of normal F. africana (Zenker & Staudt 143). Of these I select Millen 97 as the lectotype of var. majuscula. From Dahomey to the Cameroun majuscula is a well-marked taxon with longer pedicels than typical F. africana (I -5-2 mm. as against 0-5-1 .5 mm.), larger sepals (3-4 mm.) and a characteristically exserted style. In Nigeria it sometimes grows with typical F. africana, though keeping its distinctness, and seemingly without intermediates. In other parts of tropical Africa, however, some perplexing plants occur showing some though not all of the features of majuscula, but not the exserted style. On the whole majuscula seems most satisfactorily recognized as a subspecies, although further research may modify this view.

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