
buy this issueFrom its earliest years, Monthly Review has been distinguished among socialist publications by the degree to which it has incorporated environmental views into its fundamental perspective. Paul Sweezy's 1950 article, "An Economic Program for America"…listed conservation of natural resources and the elimination of destructive waste as two of the primary goals in the development of socialism. He called for the socialization, long-term planning, and conservation of "coal…oil and natural gas and all the other fuels which provide the lifeblood of modern industrial society." Scott Nearing's monthly column "World Events," written for MR from the early 1950s to the early 1970s, regularly examined environmental, along with political-economic, developments. Nearing was a socialist economist and environmentalist.… With the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring in 1962, Nearing explored its wider ecological implications, contending that civilization had entered the "phase of suicidal destructivity…. Without doubt man has built a pyramid of potential destructivity…. Man is a destroyer as well as a builder. He has exterminated entire species…. He has destroyed forests and opened the soil to erosion. He has engaged in fratricidal wars that have wiped out one civilization after another and presently threaten to end western civilization" (Nearing, "World Events," Monthly Review, November 1962).Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at the Monthly Review website.

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