
CURIOUSLY, original copy of peace treaty with Germany, which China refused to sign on June 28, I9I9, bore personal seals of two ranking Chinese delegates, Lou Tseng-tsiang (Lu Tseng-hsiang) and Chengting Thomas Wang (Wang Cheng-t'ing). How could this have happened? An explanation of this puzzle was furnished by no less an authority than His Excellency Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo, who represented China at conference.* As is well known, following conference's judgment in favor of Japan in matter of Shantung issue, Chinese people burst out in protest against decision in what has since been known as May 4 Movement. Nonetheless, Peking government was inclined to accept verdict of conference. In end delegation was empowered to act as it saw fit. This unenviable authorization drove five members of delegation into heated debates, which, however, did not result in agreement. Rumors and speculations arose as to course of action Chinese might take, but nobody was sure what actual outcome would be. It was in this state of uncertainty that delegation received, a few days before signing ceremony, a request from M. Dutasta, secretary general of peace conference, to affix personal seals of ranking delegates to treaty in advance of formal ceremony, in order to simplify signing procedure. Complying with request, two senior delegates, Lou and Wang, dispatched Yiieh Chao-chii, secretary general of Chinese delegation, as bearer of their seals.1 This was done without knowledge of other three members of delegation, who learned of it much later.2 The reason for this secretive move was never revealed, but probably it was fear on part of two senior members that its disclosure would further inflame public feeling in China. The affixing of seals, though in no way indicating official acceptance of treaty, might have misled the conference authorities into believing that Chinese delegation, in urging

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