
Notes and Comments Cyprian Davis O.S.B. Archive The Centre for Heritage Imaging and Collection Care (CHICC) at the University of Manchester's John Rylands Library, in conjunction with the National Institute for Newman Studies and the Birmingham Oratory, has undertaken the digitization of the numerous hand-written manuscripts in the Cardinal John Henry Newman Archive. Using the latest technology, CHICC is planning to digitize the entire archive and place it online. For more information, visit http://newmanarchive.wordpress.com. Exhibition A special exhibition commemorating the tricentennial of Blessed Fray Junipero Serra will be featured at San Fernando, Rey de España Mission, in Mission Hills, California, through the rest of 2013. Among the several dozen items on display are a chalice and altar stone used by the "Grey Ox," a U.S. Postal Service stamp from 1984 bearing his likeness, a copy of Francisco Palóu's Relación Histórica (1787), and an assortment of items portraying or associated with the founder of the first nine missions along the El Camino Real in California. New Journal and Series Brill has announced two publication-related projects devoted to the study of the Jesuits—the series Jesuit Studies: Modernity through the Prism of Jesuit History and the Journal of Jesuit Studies, both edited by Robert A. Maryks (Boston College). The first volume in the series will be Saints or Devils Incarnate? Studies in Jesuit History by John W. O'Malley (Georgetown University); the first issue of the journal is scheduled for publication in 2014. Conferences and Lectures On September 27-28, 2013, the 80e Congrès de la Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique (SCHEC) will meet at the Centre Missionnaire Mariannhill in Sherbrooke, Québec. The theme of the sessions will be cultural transfers in the Catholic world: the circulation of ideas, intercultural contacts, and the transformation of institutional practices. For more information, contact Maurice Demers at SCHEC2013@usherbrooke.ca. [End Page 598] On November 14-16, 2013, the international conference "San Josemaría Escrivá e il pensiero teologico" will be held at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome. Among the papers of an historical nature are "A 50 anni del Concilio Vaticano II: il contributo di san Josemaría" by Cardinal Javier Echevarría and "L'uso degli insegnamenti dei santi nell'argomentazione teologica di san Tommaso d'Aquino" by Robert Wielockz. There also will be a session on the Diccionario de San Josemaría (ed. Monte Carmelo [Burgos, 2013]) that will describe the genesis and realization of the dictionary (by Mercedes Alonso) and will situate the dictionary in the context of a theological bibliography on the saint (by José Luis Illanes). For more information on the conference, visit http://www.pusc.it/teo/escriva2013. On December 3, 2013, Giovanni Grado Merlo will speak on "Per lo studio degli eretici medievali" at the Istituto per le scienze religiose in Bologna. For more information, contact segreteria@fscire.it. On December 4-6, 2013, the Catholic University of Leuven will sponsor the conference "The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700)." For more information, visit https://theo.kuleuven.be/en/research/research_units/ru_church/council_of_Trent or email trent@theo.kuleuven.be. On March 6-8, 2014, the Texas Catholic Historical Society (TCHS) will hold its annual meeting at the Crown Plaza River Walk Hotel in San Antonio in conjunction with the meeting of the Texas State Historical Association. The theme of the TCHS meeting is described tentatively as "Along the Rio Grande: 20th Century Traditions of Three Religious Orders." On March 6-9, 2014, the nineteenth biennial New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies will take place on the campus of New College of Florida, the honors college of the Florida state system in Sarasota, Florida. The program committee invites 250-word abstracts of proposed twenty-minute papers on topics in European and Mediterranean history, literature, art, music, and religion from the fourth to the seventeenth centuries. Interdisciplinary work is particularly appropriate to the conference's broad historical and disciplinary scope. Planned sessions are welcome; see the new guidelines at http://www.newcollegeconference.org/cfp. In memory of the...

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