
NOTES AND COMMENTS Association News At the installation of the Very Reverend David M. O'Connell, CM., as the fourteenth president of the Catholic University ofAmerica on November 19, 1998, the American Catholic Historical Association was represented by the Reverend John W Witek, SJ., of Georgetown University, a former member of its Executive Council, as its delegate. Meetings, Conferences, Symposia The annual dies academicus of the Accademia di S. Carlo was held in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan on November 20, 1998. The theme was "Cultura e religione nella Milano del Seicento: Le metamorfosi della tradizione 'borromaica ' nel secólo barrocco." Copies of the program are available from the secretary, R Fedele Marelli at Piazza Pio XI, 2, 20123 Milano MI, Italy; telephone : 02 80.692.1; fax: 02 80.692.212; www.ambrosiana.it; electronic mail: frnerelli@tin.it. The California Mission Studies Association will hold its sixteenth annual conference at Mission Santa Inés in Solvang, California, on February 12-14, 1999. More information may be obtained by writing to the Association at Post Office Box 2609, Santa Barbara, California 93120; telephone: 805-687-2957, or by visiting its website: www.camissions.org. The sixth annual meeting of the Society for Reformation Studies will take place in Cambridge, England, on April 7-9, 1999- A copy of the program may be obtained from Paul Ayris by telephone: 0171 380 7834, fax: 0171 380 7373, or electronic mail: p.ayria.@ucl.ac.uk. A conference on "The Bible and the Spanish Renaissance: Cardinal Ximénez de Cisneros and the Complutensian Polyglot" will be held at Loyola University Chicago on June 10-13, 1999. Further information may be requested of David Aune in care of the Department of Theology, Loyola University, 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60626. "Saints"will be the special theme ofthe International Medieval Congress that will be held in Leeds, England, onJuly 12-15, 1999· Full information may be obtained over the Internet: www.leeds.ac.uk/imi/imc/imc99. 147 148NOTES AND COMMENTS Boston College will sponsor a conference on "Christian Life and Thought: Confronting Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century" on September 15-17, 1999- Proposals of papers should be submitted by April 1 to the chairman of the Department ofTheology, Donald J. Dietrich, at Boston College , Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167; telephone: 617-552-4799;fax: 617-5520794 ; electronic mail: donald.dietrich@bc.edu. A conference on "The Crusades: Other Experiences, Alternate Perspectives" will be held at Binghamton, New York, on October 15-16, 1999· Abstracts of proposed papers should be submitted by February 1. All correspondence should be directed to Khalil I. Semaan at the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, State University of NewYork, Post Office Box 6000, Binghamton, New York 13092; telephone: 607-777-2730; fax: 607-723-7193; electronic mail: ksemaan@binghamton.edu. Siena College will sponsor its fifteenth annual, international, multidisciplinary conference on World War II on June 1-2, 2000, under the title "World War II—A Sixty-Year Perspective." It will be focused on 1940, although papers dealing with broad issues of earlier years related to the anniversary year will be accepted . Inquiries should be addressed to the co-director of the conference, Thomas O. Kelly, II, in care of the Department of History, Siena College, 515 Loudon Road, Loudonville, New York, 12211-1462; telephone: 518-783-2512; fax: 518-786-5052; electronic mail: Iegendziewic@siena.edu. For the Nineteenth International Congress of Historical Sciences, which will take place in Oslo on August 6-13, 2000, the Pontifical Committee on Historical Sciences is organizing a round table on the theme"The Catholic Church and National States in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries."The following main speakers and their topics have been assigned: Ernst Suttner of the University of Vienna for the Slavic world; Konrad Repgen of the University of Bonn for central Europe; Donal Kerr of St. Patrick's College, Maynouth, for "the case of Ireland"; Nicola Raponi of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, for "the case of Italy"; and Jean-Marie Mayeur of the University of Paris La Sorbonne for a general synthetic overview. Professor Mayeur will also be the chairman...

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