
Notes & Queries EDITED BY BOYD B. STUTLER 517 Main Street Charleston, West Virginia this department is designed as an open forum for researchers and readers of Civil War History for questions on, and discussions of, phases of the Great Conflict and its personnel. It also features newly discovered or unrecorded sidelights of tiie war. Contributions are invited; address Notes and Queries Editor. QUERIES No. 32—Confederate Dead at Gettysburg: I have visited the Gettysburg Battlefield and Cemetery, but saw no markers on the field to indicate where the Southern dead were buried. Some reader can probably tell me: What happened to the Confederate dead at Gettysburg? Did Lee's Army bury any of their dead before retreating ? Was there any systematic burial of those who fell within or near the Federal lines as, for example, during Pickett's charge? Were the Confederate dead removed from the field for final interment elsewhere? Fred London No. 33—What Were Montague R. Leverson s War Services? In June, 1878, Montague R. Leverson, a ranchman in Colorado, wrote Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz and commented that his letter should be entitled to serious attention "by reason of my services during the war (declared by the Hon. C. F. Adams to have been 'worth an Army corps') . . ." Query: Can anyone tell me just what Leverson did to become entitled to such praise? P. /. Rasch 83 84BOYD B. STUTLER No. 34—General Lee's Three Stars Field officers of the Confederate States' Army wore stars on their collars to denote their rank: one star for a Major, two for a Lieutenant Colonel, and three for a Colonel. All general officers, regardless of grade, wore smaller stars surrounded by a double wreath. Query: Why do so many photographs and drawings of General Lee show him wearing tiiree large stars, theinsignia of a Confederate Colonel? He had thatrank, bybrevet, in the U. S. Army but never in the CSA. Robert E. Connor No. 35—Some Remaining Questions on the Andrews Raid: Few incidents of the Civil War won such widespread interest, both North and South, as the so-called Andrews Raid and the great stolen-locomotive chase through Georgia in April, 1862. Most of the survivors on either side felt compelled at one time or another to write in abundant detail their recollections of the raid and its aftermath. This unusually thorough reporting of common experiences, however conflicting at a number of points supplemented by the wealth of material developed by independent students of the Civil War, makes a very considerable body of writings of the utmost historical value. But there are still many questions unanswered and many details unexplained. Unpublished letters and documents may still bestored away, orheld in the collections of CivilWar collectors; hence this series of questions. Information beyond that to be found in my recentiy published Wild Train andhelp on any of the following aspects of the history of both raiders and pursuers will be greatly appreciated if sent to me care of Random House, 457 Madison Avenue, New York 22, or directly to me at Turkey Hill Road, Green Farms, Connecticut. Original letters or other fragile material of value will be handled carefully and returned promptly after photocopying . When possible, spare photocopies will be returned with the orginials to save further wear of these through over-handling. Queries: 1.Raider D. A. Dorsey reported J. J. Andrews as saying that he was a prewar visitor to or resident of Ross County, Ohio, where he knew a singing master called Newt Bookwalter (or Buchwalder). Can anyone furnish evidence that the raid leader, Andrews, ever lived in Chillicothe or elsewhere in Ross County, or supply information on Bookwalter? 2.The man who called himself James J. Andrews had a wartime commercial partner in the South named Whiteman or Whiteside, described meagerly in existing records as a merchant of Nashville and Chattanooga, and as a witness at the trials. Another close wartime associate of Andrews was William A. Berry, a Confederate supporter, originally of Flemingsburg , Kentucky, later in the saddlery business at Nashville. Can anyone supply date and place of birth of either of these, confirmed full name, date and place ofmarriage, details ofearlier and...

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