
Note on the Plan of Nietzsche’s «Beyond Good and Evil» is one of the last of Leo Strauss’ works and his only written work devoted to Nietzsche’s philosophy. In the Note Strauss — in his specific manner of writing — consecutively analyses all nine chapters of «Beyond Good and Evil», trying show peculiar qualities of each chapter. Simultaneously he emphasizes some decisive features of Nietzsche’s philosophy in general. Among which one can name: a new concept of truth (as a result of creation and not of contemplation), anti-Platonism (an attempt of abolition or revaluation of Socrates’ legacy), the problem of nature (a transformation of universal nature into individual nature), perception of modern freedom as a transitional state from one kind of slavery to another which will be much greater and harsher. All of these efforts must give to the reader clearer, though, naturally, partisan image of the philosophy of the future, prelude to which this work constitutes.

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