
Note from the Editor Dr. Sandra G. Shannon The publication of issue 64.1 (March 2021) of the College Language Association Journal marks the end of my tenure as CLAJ Editor! I am especially pleased that the timing of my exit coincides with the journal's current on-time status, its increased global reach, and a checklist of other major enhancements. As I glance in the rear-view mirror, I am comforted in knowing that the vision I shared with then-CLA President Dr. Mario Chandler (2012-2014) in my October 12, 2013 acceptance has become reality in the impressive caliber, reach, and timeliness of scholarship that CLAJ currently publishes. Honored and optimistic that I could make a difference, I fully embraced this position, well aware of the weight of the journal's impressive history. I expressed as much in that email meant to assure Dr. Chandler and my CLA colleagues that I was up to the task: I have already begun to give some thought to how I'd like to see the journal advance and stay in step with the digital age as well as with the growing body of new literary works on the scene. I am particularly interested in striking a balance between critical essays on more established writers and providing a platform for the critical exploration of a new generation of intellectuals, activists, and creative thinkers. I could not help but notice that the most recent issue of CLAJ has two essays on Toni Morrison and one on Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin! I believe that CLAJ must reflect the vitality and fluidity in existing and emerging fields--in all genres. Mission accomplished! For evidence one need only peruse the succession of solid single and special issues published during my editorship. From issue 56.2 (December 2012) to issue 64.1 (March 2021), CLAJ boasts a long and distinguished line of CLA scholarly essays and creative work that speak to the accomplishments of literary giants gone too soon, to the pressing issues of our times, and to unexplored aspects of multiple "languages and literatures of Africa and its global diaspora." I am pleased to note that this trend toward cutting edge CLA scholarship continues with this current landmark special issue, Blackness and Disability: The Remix, edited by Dr. Therí Pickens. When I formally stepped into this role in January 2014, I knew that there would be no honeymoon and that there would be much work ahead. However, that work never quite seemed like work with the constant support of a stalwart [End Page 1] Editorial Board sharing the load. I am grateful for the efforts of each member who ably assisted me in lifting the profile of CLAJ. Finally, I wish my successor, Dr. Vershawn Young, great success at the helm of this venerable journal and pledge to offer my assistance as he navigates the newness of serving as Editor of the College Language Association Journal! [End Page 2] Dr. Sandra G. Shannon Howard University Editor@clascholars.org Copyright © 2016 College Language Association

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