
Situations in which there is a community of goods or rights have been the subject of a copious source of conflicts. The theme proposed in this study, intends to analyze the ordinary community pro indiviso, figure clearly defined in the Spanish Civil Code (articles 392 to 406). However, these basic rules that order the relations between comuneros, co-owners or condominiums, although they are of an apparently simple approach, are complex from a practical perspective. The diversity of nuances to consider usually generates controversial issues, which will be addressed from a doctrinal and jurisprudential point of view. It is not the object of this paper to establish definitive conclusions, but to show some notes on the reality and practical application of the rules that discipline this old institution, which is at the service and solves daily problems in legal traffic.


  • there is a community of goods or rights have been the subject of a copious source of conflicts

  • The theme proposed in this study

  • figure clearly defined in the Spanish Civil Code

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241 y vacilaciones, pretendemos visibilizar para clarificar algunas ideas o, de ser el caso, evitar equívocos. La Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 1 de marzo de 2016 ha declarado que la medianería implica «una comunidad [...] de propietarios de predios contiguos sobre un elemento común, como el muro, que es medianero entre tales predios», sin que se trate de servidumbre, «ni situación de copropiedad, ya que a cada propietario le corresponde la propiedad exclusiva de su parte, si bien sometido a límites en interés del otro». En la comunidad de tipo romano, las cuotas de participación corresponden a los condóminos sobre cada uno de los bienes sobre los que existe la titularidad común y no sobre el conjunto de ellos, como sucedería en una comunidad de tipo germánico (Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de España, 19 de octubre de 2012).

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