
Bibliographical work where in the introduction I analyze, brief, what juridically for the history of the Spanish procedural law there supposed the text of the Partidas, specially, the Third one that is essential for the experts of the civil process for what it represented in his epoch and because it was the vertebral column of the civil Spanish process from The XIIIth Century until almost we would say The XXIst Century. Later I approach the method romanist of «mos italicus» received of Italy in The XIIIth Century that consists of applying to the Law the dialectics of the Scholastic Philosophy and his repercussion in the juridical works of the authors Spanish referred to the Royal Law or in force Native is Civil, Penal or Procedural from. The XVIth the XVIIIth Centuries and his results; and the minor influence that had on the commercial law for his customary base. Also the method approaches of «mos gallicus» that applies the essence of the Humanist Philosophy to the Law and that had minor it influences in the juridical works of these centuries except in the Constitutional law and his philosophy to justify the Absolutist Monarchic State and in the International Law on the conquest of America; method more reined than the previous one and where his defenders are near the Political commanding Power. In the second half of The XVIIIth Century «mos italicus» « applied to the Royal Law or in force Native meets little by little displaced, replaced and modified for the influence of the racionalist illustrated thought and that of the encyclopedic. I try to give importance to the works of procedural law on having approached this work. I emphasize the importance of the afirmations accompanying as base two indexes of authors and of his juridical works –though always incompletes– recounted one to the XVI and the XVIIth Centuries and other one to The XVIII and XIXth Centuries in order that other investigators adopt precise conclusions.

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