
Based on Article 37 of Law Number 02 Year 2014 concerning The Amendment of Law Number 30 Year 2004 concerning Notary Position, Notary is obligate to give legal service in Notary Field by free of charge toward unaffordable people. The issues in this research are 1) how is the role of Notary in giving free legal service toward unaffordable people in Jambi City; 2) What are the obstacles that faced by Notary in giving free legal service toward unaffordable people in Jambi City. The conclusion obtained from this research are Notary play a role ranging from giving free legal counseling or consultation toward unaffordable people and giving free legal service in making the deed which is related to the need of unaffordable people, even though the definition of legal service in Notary field and the category of unaffordable people are not explained in the Law of Notary Position as well as the Notary Code of Ethics. The obstacles that faced by Notary are a Notary is public official which is not paid by the State instead the Notary earn his own income from honorarium for his services in making the deed related to legal action required by the public, sociologically, Notary is willing to give free legal service because in doing his profession, Notary feels socially responsible, but the lack of qualification in giving free legal service make it difficult for Notary to determine the type of legal actions that can be given by free without taking any fee.

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