
Notary is a general official who has authority to make authentic deed and other authorities as stipulated in Law Number 2 of 2014 regarding Amendment of Law Number 30 of 2004 regarding Notary Position. As a general official who has authority to make deed, a notary must be able to provide legal certainty to the community and must be responsible for the deed that he makes. However, a notary is also a human who can make mistakes like the difference found in the original deed content and the copy that has been given to other parties. The researcher is interested in writing a thesis regarding Notary’s Responsbility towards the Differenc found in the Original Deed Content and the Copy that has been given to Parties. The research method used in the problem approach is by judicial-normative approach method which means a research that emphasizes on the use of legal norms in written form and supported by interview results with the resource people and informants. Based on the discussion result of this writing, it can be concluded that: Practically, a notary is also possible to make fraut in making deed, so that what is written in the deed is not in line with what is actually expected to be shown in the deed. Therefore, a notary on his action can be asked for his responsibility based on administrative, civil, and criminal aspects based on the prevailing laws

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