
La recerca sobre l’ensenyament de la gramàtica abasta temes diversos i adopta perspectives plurals. El III Congrés Internacional sobre Ensenyament de la Gramàtica (Congram19), celebrat a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona del 23 al 25 de gener de 2019, n’és una mostra. La presència de treballs de recerca actuals realitzats en diversos contextos va ser una oportunitat per a contribuir a un camp comú en el qual sigui possible reflexionar i debatre sobre les particularitats de la recerca realitzada en cadascun d’aquests contextos, lligada clarament a les finalitats assignades a l’ensenyament de la gramàtica. En aquest número especial es recullen les aportacions de 16 investigadors resultants d’aquest congrés. El lector trobarà aquestes contribucions en dues parts: la primera part, en el número anterior de Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature (13.2), i la segona part, en el número present (13.3).


  • Research on grammar teaching covers a variety of topics and adopts plural perspectives

  • For young researchers like us, taking part in international scientific events as the III International Conference on Teaching Grammar (Congram19), held at the Autonomous University of Barcelona from January 23 to 25, 2019, represents an excellent opportunity to know the research on teaching grammar that is currently being developed in different contexts and from plural perspectives

  • From the scientific communications of the Congram19, as well as from the articles that result from these communications, it follows that the expectations about the study of the language are not the same in all contexts and that the purposes assigned to teaching grammar have a decisive influence on this teaching: the nature of the linguistic challenge involved in reading and writing, the social relationship with the norm, and the school tradition are parameters that influence the place of grammar in the teaching, as well as the contents and teaching strategies of grammar that are given priority

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Research on grammar teaching covers a variety of topics and adopts plural perspectives.

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