
The present contribution comments Art Raney’s article on the role of morality in emotional reactions to media entertainment. It dwells on Raney’s distinction between pleasure-based versus appreciation-based media entertainment. On a normative level, Raney seems to favor appreciation-based media entertainment over pleasure-based entertainment, because he presumes the latter one to result from more automatic, archaic and, overall, less desirable moral activity among users. Recalling and extending Raney’s arguments, the present article discuss the ambivalence of seemingly moral judgments of characters, the potential selfishness of users’ concern for the fate of the protagonist, and potential biases in the appraisals of justice restoration. However, the present article wrestles with Raney’s arguments underlying his critical evaluation of pleasure-based entertainment. While agreeing to most of his arguments about the moral mechanisms underlying pleasure-based entertainment, it departs from his normative position. The present article argues that pleasure-based entertainment may fulfill a psychologically functional role: it may allow people to effectively recreate and to restore exhausted resources.

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