
Often, when presented with a task or a problem, we jump in and start work immediately. This approach can lead to solutions that do not meet the needs of the people they are designed for. This paper outlines a less straightforward approach using human-centred design. The Accessibility Hub project was conceived as an online self-service resource for students at an Australian tertiary institute. A teaching and learning specialist and an information technology specialist led the project. After initially dividing up the task and getting started on their to-do lists, the two colleagues decided to take a step back. They employed human-centred design, a process that included empathy interviews with students with disability and ideation sessions with colleagues. Out of this grew a community of practice and the idea that the Accessibility Hub could be a resource for all staff and students at the institute. The Accessibility Hub was launched in January 2023 with the tag line ‘Everyone needs a little help sometimes.’

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