
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of training nurses in Jin Shin Jyutsu® self-care methods and to correlate the training with measurement of the nurses' personal and organizational stress and their perceptions of their caring efficacy for patients. A quasi-experimental, pretest, posttest, and 30- to 40-day posttest design was used. In all, 20 participants received three 2-hour Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care training sessions from a certified Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care trainer (who was also a registered nurse). The training took place over a 1-month period, and participants agreed to practice the self-care daily. Two study instruments, one measuring organizational and personal stress and the second measuring caring efficacy, were completed before the first training, after the last training, and 1 month after the trainings had been completed. Analysis of data from the Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment-Revised by paired t tests showed significant increases in positive outlook, gratitude, motivation, calmness, and communication effectiveness and significant decreases in anger, resentfulness, depression, stress symptoms, time pressure, and morale issues. Nurses reported less muscle aches, sleeplessness, and headaches. Analysis of the Coates Caring Efficacy Scale measures showed statistically significant increases in nurses' caring efficacy in areas of serenity in giving care, tuning in to patients, relating to patients, providing culturally congruent care, individualization of patient care, ability to decrease stressful situations, planning for multiple needs, and creativity in care. This small study suggests that Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care may be a valuable tool for nurses, to decrease stress, both emotional and physical, and increase caring efficacy. Administrators may wish to invest in such a program, which may improve quality of care delivered. The Watson caring model, which reminds us that nurses who care for themselves and feel good about their work can better care for others, proved an accurate framework for this study.

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