
Nosological structure and dynamics of adult population disability in the Republic of Moldova Purpose. To study the current nosological structure and dynamics of the general and primary disability of the adult population in the Republic of Moldova. Materials and methods. Analysis of official statistics data (statistica.md, cnddcm.msmps.gov.md) for 2015-2019. Results. In 2015-2019, there was a wave-like change in the number of adults recognized as disabled for the first time in the republic and its increase in 2019 by ⅔ relative to 2018 (13713 and 8350, respectively). The structure of general disability, taking into account the degree of severity, changed little during the study period. In 2019, it was dominated by moderate disability - 47.1%; severe and severe disability was established in 38.0% and 14.9% of cases, respectively. The nosological structure of disability in general also changed little. In 2019, the main causes of disability in the adult population were tumors 20.0%, cardiovascular diseases - 18%, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue - 14.6%. At the same time, in 2019, respiratory diseases were the cause of disability in 2.7% of cases, or 1.4 times more often compared to 2018. Conclusions. In recent years, the main causes of disability in the republic are tumors, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, the proportion of respiratory diseases does not exceed 2.7%. In the structure of disability, moderate disability prevails.


  • it was dominated by moderate disability - 47.1%

  • severe disability was established in 38.0%

  • respiratory diseases were the cause of disability in 2.7%

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La 1 ianuarie 2020, conform datelor Casei Naționale de Asigurări Sociale, numărul estimat al persoanelor cu dizabilități în Republica Moldova a constituit 166,3 mii persoane adulți în vârstă de 18 ani ți peste.1 Persoanele cu dizabilități au reprezentat 6,7% din populația totală a țării cu reședință obișnuită. Conform datelor Consiliului Național pentru Determinarea Dizabilității și Capacității de Muncă, în anii 2015-2019 în republică, a avut loc o schimbare ondulatorie a numărului de adulți recunoscuți cu dizabilitate primară cu o creștere în 2019 cu 2⁄3 față de anul precedent (13,7 mii, respectiv 8,4 mii). În medie la 10 mii locuitori în vârstă de 18 ani şi peste au revenit 66 persoane adulte recunoscute cu dizabilitate primară comparativ cu 50 persoane adulte la 10 mii locuitori în anul 2015.

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