
Purpose - to establish features of hospital infection of newborn children in the intensive care unit, depending on gestational age.Patients and methods. Conducted a comprehensive clinical and paraclinical survey of 348 newborns who were hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU) regional children's hospital. Formed three groups depending on the gestational age. To study the bacterial contamination of all the children that came to the hospital, it was done bacteriological crop material with the eyes, nose, throat, navel and feces, as well as with endotracheal tubes with repetition on the 7th day of stay of children in the hospital. It was investigated the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.Results. It was found that when entering, positive results of bacteriological tests were obtained in 11.78% of children. After 7 days of hospital stay ICU found opportunistic microorganisms in 20.52% of children. In 7 children pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms detected and at admission, and after 7 days in ICU. In children, contaminated in hospitals, often stood Staphylococcus aureus (37,5%), Enterobacter cloacae (25%). It was determined that among children contaminated in the hospital, was dominated by full-term - 71.4%. Analysis of the results of bacteriological studies, which were carried out after 7 days in ICU showed, that nosocomial contaminations more often were with premature babies - 62%. More often common microorganisms allocated from the feces and the endotracheal tube. Analysis of the results of antibiotic susceptibility showed that Gram-positive bacteria had high sensitivity only of 13.6% and Gram-negative - only 4.3% of the studies. Conclusions. 11.8% of patients ICU were contaminations in hospitals, it is often full-term newborns (71.4%). Among the 20.52% of the patients in the contaminated ICU prevailed preterm infants (61.9%). The most common causative agents of hospital infections was isolated from the feces (49.5%) and the endotracheal tube (26.3%). Most nosocomial pathogens had not a high sensitivity to antibiotics.



  • Більшість госпітальних збудників не мала високої чутливості до антибіотиків

  • Які проводилися через 7 днів перебування у відділенні анестезіології та інтенсивної терапії новонароджених (ВАІТН) показав, що частіше виділялася умовно-патогенна мікрофлора, а саме: Enterobacteraerogenes (32,1%), Enterobactercloacae (19%), Staphylococcusaureus (15,5%), Escherichiacoli (9,5%)

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ВНУТРІШНЬОЛІКАРНЯНЕ ІНФІКУВАННЯ НОВОНАРОДЖЕНИХ, ЯКІ ПЕРЕБУВАЮТЬ У ВІДДІЛЕННІ ІНТЕНСИВНОЇ ТЕРАПІЇ: ЗАЛЕЖНІСТЬ ВІД ГЕСТАЦІЙНОГО ВІКУ Мета - встановити особливості внутрішньолікарняного інфікування новонароджених дітей, які перебувають у відділенні інтенсивної терапії, у залежності від гестаційного віку.

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