
This letter introduces the NOnSmooth Numerical Optimal Control (NOSNOC) open-source software package. It is a modular MATLAB tool based on CasADi and IPOPT for numerically solving Optimal Control Problems (OCP) with piecewise smooth systems (PSS). The tool supports: 1) automatic reformulation of systems with state jumps into PSS (via the time-freezing reformulation 1) and of PSS into computationally more convenient forms, 2) automatic discretization of the OCP via, e.g., the recently introduced Finite Elements with Switch Detection 2 which enables high accuracy optimal control and simulation of PSS, 3) solution methods for the resulting discrete-time OCP. The nonsmooth discrete-time OCP are solved with techniques of continuous optimization in a homotopy procedure, without the use of integer variables. This enables the treatment of a broad class of nonsmooth systems in a unified way. Two tutorial examples are given. A benchmark shows that NOSNOC provides both faster and more accurate solutions than conventional approaches, including mixed-integer formulations.

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