
The northern coasts of Java (PANTURA) play important roles for Indonesian fisheries development, since a significant number of fishing vessels originated from this area fish in national wide Indonesian waters. One of the economically and ecologically important fish products in Indonesia is grouper and also landed in PANTURA. This study aims to understand grouper fishery that are landed in PANTURA. We utilize a data set from Fishing Port Data Center nationally known as Pusat Informasi Pelabuhan Perikanan (PIPP) of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, an integrated national landing data center. A descriptive analysis and linear modeling were performed to understand the fishery. Based on PIPP data from 2016–2020, there were 22 species from four genera dominated by Epinephelus sp., Cephalopholis sp., Cromileptis sp, and Plectropomus sp. The main fishing gears used to catch this group of fish were danish seine or cantrang, mini danish seine or dogol, seine net or payang, and longline or rawai. Based on the analyses, the fishes were caught from eight Indonesia FMAs (WPPN RI) i.e., WPP NRI 571, 572, 573, 711, 712, 713, 715, and 718. Results of linear model employed for four main species of Epinephelids, were found they had stable and decreasing pattern of standardized catch per unit effort.

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