
The 1984 North West Division Trainees Day took place at Prcstwich Hospital on 29 February 1984. This was the first occasion on which it was held at a peripheral hospital. Dr A. A. Campbell (Chairman. NW Division) welcomed trainees to the meeting. He outlined the current programme of the division and encouraged greater trainee participation. This was followed by an explanation of the structure and function of trainee representation, both centrally and locally, from Dr N. Simpson (Honorary Secretary, CTC), who also included a brief report on activities in the past year. Dr S. D. Soni (Clinical Tutor, Prestwich Hospital) gave a stimulating and informative talk on career prospects in psy chiatry for overseas graduates. He emphasized the need for all trainees to ensure that they examine their options thoroughly, make positive career choices and are prepared actively to seek advice and teaching. The morning session was brought to a close by Dr D. Allen (Manchester Business School) who talked about recent changes in the management of the NHS. He led us gently through the complex twists of policy in recent years, ending with current developments such as the Griffiths Report and CASPE (Clinical Accountability. Service Planning and Evaluation). After lunch we split into three groups, one to discuss each of the lectures and the third for the ever popular exam work shop—organized this year by Dr G. McGrath (Lecturer) and Dr. F. Creed (Senior Lecturer, Manchester University). The second half of the afternoon was taken up with a plenary session comprising reports from the discussion groups and further debate. A variety of points were raised in the various sessions, notably the following topics which secured general agreement. Overseas graduates need more information on training and prospects, especially before leaving their home countries, but also once they arrived in the UK. Graduates arriving with clear goals and a greater understanding of likely difficulties were considered more likely to be able to progress satisfactorily. Psychiatric tutors could have an important role to play, especially during the trainee's first few

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