
Integrated zircon U-Pb dating and whole rock geochemical analyses have been carried out for two typical S- and I-type granitoids in the north Qinling. Zircon dating by SIMS of the Piaochi S-type granitoids yields an emplacement age of 495±6 Ma. The granitoids show whole-rock ɛ Nd(t)=−8.2–−.8.8, zircon ɛ Hf (t)=−6–−39. The Huichizi I-type granitoids have emplacement ages of 421±27 Ma and 434±7 Ma established by LA-ICP-MS and SIMS methods, respectively. Their whole-rock ɛ Nd(t)=−0.9–0.9 and zircon ɛ Hf(t)=−11–8.4. Combined with statistical analyses of 28 zircon ages of granitoid plutons collected from the literature, Paleozoic magmatism in the north Qinling can be divided into three stages. The first-stage magmatism (∼505−470 Ma) mainly occurred in the east part of the north Qinling and has features of an I-type arc, associated with which are S-type granitoids such as Piaochi pluton. The early granitoids (∼505−490 Ma) have close spatio-temporal relations to ultra-high-pressure (UHP) rocks, and thus are interpreted as an oceanic subduction system along a continental margin. The second-stage magmatism (∼450−422 Ma) occured through the whole north Qinling, and is characterized by I-type granitoids represented by the Huichizi pluton. The magma is interpreted as partial melting of lower crust mixed by mantle-derived magma in a collisional setting with the uplift of terranes. The third-stage magmatism (∼415−400 Ma) is dominated by I-type granitoids and only took place in the middle part of the north Qinling, and is regarded as a late-stage collision. The spatial and temporal variations of the Qinling Paleozoic magmatism reveal protracted subduction/collision. The subduction was initiated from the east part of the north Qinling, earlier than that in the Qilian-northern Qaidam, Kunlun, and northern Dabie regions. This demonstrates variations in time of subduction, accretion and collision of separate blocks or terranes in the orogenic systems in central China.

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