
Introduction: The study of the right ventricle is a relatively young field, particularly in the newborn. This study assessed the right ventricular echocardiographic dimensions in a cohort of normal term neonates in Ibadan. Materials and Methods: This was a longitudinal cohort study involving 120 term neonates with normal maternal cardio topographic (CTG) parameters, physical findings, and oxygen saturation. The right ventricular dimensions were measured at birth and then weekly till age 28 days. The measurements obtained in millimeters were as follows: the main pulmonary artery, right ventricular anterior wall thickness, right ventricular diameter in diastole, interventricular septum thickness in diastole, and interventricular septal thickness in systole. Echocardiographic assessment was done with the Sonosite Titan mobile ultrasound machine with 5.0MHz transducer; measurements were made according to the American Society of Echocardiography recommendations. Results: A total of 120 normal term newborns were studied, of which 60 males and 60 females. The mean weight varied from 3.16 to 4.02 kg, the length varied from 48.25 to 54.38 cm, whereas the body surface area varied from 0.036/m2 to 0.037/m2. The mean values and their respective standard deviations relative to the echocardiographic measurements are presented and right ventricular normograms derived from echo parameters and weight using 95% confidence interval. Conclusions: This study has focused on right ventricular echocardiographic dimensions in normal newborn using a longitudinal cohort of newborn evaluated using CTG and pulse oximetry monitoring, thus demonstrating true normal zero probability of recruiting asphyxiated babies. The parameters thus can be used for evaluating Nigerian newborns pending the availability of results from larger multicenter studies.

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