
General requirements for the publication of articles in the Revista Cientifica Ciencia Medica The Revista Cientifica Ciencia Medica follows the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, issued by the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), published in its latest version, in April 2018. Available at: http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/ and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) code of conduct for editors. General requirements Revista Cientifica Ciencia Medica publishes original articles, review articles, special articles, clinical cases, images in medicine, letters to the editor, continuing medical education and editorials; the manuscript should be uploaded to the OJS platform and a copy should be sent to the journal's email: revcienciamedica.com.bo@gmail.com; once the author has been sent, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt. Manuscripts must be related to the field of health sciences and will be evaluated and accepted for publication at the discretion of the editorial committee and its body of advisors, according to their content, relevance, originality, impact and scientific contribution to the topic, following the policy editorial of the double blind peer review. In the event that the reviewers consider it necessary to make modifications, the authors will be contacted by email. Originality: Not published in another country or language, not submitted simultaneously to more than one publication without the editors agreeing to the co-publication, pointing it out in the text, subject to intellectual property laws citing identifiable primary sources. Summary of technical requirements The document has to meet certain basic requirements: Send the original manuscript, along with the other files (images, tables, etc.), as separate files. Present in letter size and be made in double space. Justify the text to the left and number all pages including the title page. It should be in the following order: Title Page, Summary and Keywords in Spanish and English, Text, Acknowledgments (optional), References, Tables and Illustrations. Include the form of Informed Consent in clinical cases and images in medicine, filled out by the respective authors and patients, to reproduce material or use illustrations (photographs) of the patient. Attach the letter of Authorship Declaration, authorization for publication and transfer of rights. Both the Informed Consent Form and the Declaration of authorship, authorization for publication and transfer of rights can be downloaded from our website, Facebook page: Revista Cientifica Ciencia Medica or be requested by email of the Journal.

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