
The normal forms for time-periodic nonlinear variational equations witharbitrary linear Jordan form undergoing bifurcations of highco-dimension are found. First, the equations are transformed via theLyapunov–Floquet (L–F) transformation into an equivalent form in whichthe linear matrix is constant with degenerate nonsemisimple lineareigenvalues while the nonlinear monomials have periodic coefficients. Byconsidering the resulting coupling of the bases of the near identitytransformation, the solvability condition for an arbitrary Jordan matrixis then derived. It is shown that time-independent and/or time-dependentnonlinear resonance terms remain in the normal form for various Jordanmatrices. Specifically, the normal forms for quadratic and cubicnonlinearities with the following linear Jordan forms are explicitlyderived: double zero eigenvalues (co-dimension two bifurcation), triplezero eigenvalues (co-dimension three bifurcation), and two repeatedpairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues (co-dimension two bifurcation). Acommutative system with cubic nonlinearities and a double inverted pendulum with a periodicfollower force are used as illustrative examples.

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