
A fate map was constructed for four regions of the early gastrula of Ambystoma mexicanum using orthotopic grafts from donors labelled with FLDx (fluoresceinated-lysinated-dextran). The region around the animal pole gave rise to epidermis only and did not include prospective neural plate. The dorsal marginal zone contributed to cephalic endoderm and to the whole length of the axial mesoderm (notochord and somites), the lateral marginal zone to lateroventral and somitic mesoderm, and the ventral marginal zone to lateroventral mesoderm. It was found that the dorsal marginal zone contributed relatively more to the anterior regions of the mesodermal mantle and the ventral marginal zone more to its posterior parts. The same regions of the gastrula and also vegetal yolky tissue were cultured as explants and labelled with tritiated mannose. Their glycoprotein synthesis pattern was compared to those of the neurula tissues to which they contribute in vivo. Animal pole explants synthesized large amounts of the epidermis-specific marker epimucin. Dorsal marginal zone explants did not synthesize epimucin but did make amounts of S2 and S6 indicative of mesoderm, as well as the notochord-specific markers S2.2 and S3.2. Lateral marginal zone explants showed the same pattern as the dorsal marginal zone including the two notochord-specific markers, although they do not contribute to notochord in vivo. Ventral marginal zone explants were more variable in their behaviour. Yolky tissue from the vegetal hemisphere of the gastrula or the archenteron floor of the neurula synthesized mainly polydisperse material of high molecular weight rather than discrete glycoproteins. The results indicate that at the early gastrula stage states of specification exist which correspond to the three germ layers, ecto-, meso- and endoderm. The ectodermal specification of animal pole explants is quite robust and cannot easily be changed by variation of the culture conditions. However treatment with a concentrated pellet of vegetalizing factor does induce a change to mesodermal specification, which is clearly detectable in the pattern of glycoprotein synthesis. Similar inductive interactions between different regions of the early embryo are thought to occur during normal development.

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