
A series of vinylporphyrinogens were prepared to probe the enzyme coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPO). Six (2-chloroethyl)porphyrins were synthesized from a common dipyrrylmethane via a,c-biladiene intermediates in excellent yields. Subsequent dehydrohalogenation with DBU in refluxing DMF then gave the required vinylporphyrin methyl esters, including harderoporphyrin-I, harderoporphyrin-III, and isoharderoporphyrin. The corresponding porphyrinogen carboxylic acids were incubated with chicken red cell hemolysates, which contain the enzyme CPO, and the products analyzed. The 17-ethyl analogue of harderoporphyrinogen-III, but not its 13-ethyl isomer, was shown to be an excellent substrate for CPO in accord with a proposed model for the active site of this enzyme. In addition, harderoporphyrinogen-VII, the monovinyl intermediate in the metabolism of coproporphyrinogen-IV, was shown to be an equally good substrate for this enzyme. However, isoharderoporphyrinogen, which lacks the correct ordering of peripheral substituents, was also a substrate for CPO. Furthermore, a nonnatural type I isomer of harderoporphyrinogen was shown to be acted on by CPO, but in this case further metabolism was noted and this afforded an unprecedented trivinyl porphyrinogen product. The corresponding porphyrin methyl ester was isolated and characterized by FAB MS and proton NMR spectroscopy. The results from these studies allow the binding requirements of CPO to be further assessed and provide a series of substrates to investigate this poorly understood enzyme.

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