
A norm-based approach to behavioral consulting was presented. A behavioral code and norms for 32 behaviors were developed for indoor free play situations in Head Start classrooms, with comparisons for age, sex, exceptional status, referral status, and semester reported. Among the results indicated were the following: older children engaged in more cooperative behavior and talking, in general the boys were more active than the girls, both exceptional and referred children were involved in more conflicts with their peers and in inappropriate activities, referred children also used inarticulate speech more often and received more one-to-one direction from adults, sex and special needs seemed to influence the referral process with the more withdrawn boys and the more active girls being referred, the exceptionals who were involved in less conflict with their peers were also more likely to be referred, and, overall, inappropriate behaviors declined while cooperative activities increased across semesters. Finally, the use of norms in behavioral consulting is discussed.

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