
During cognitive efforts mediated by local neuronal networks, approximately 20% of additional energy is required; this is mediated by chemical messengers such as noradrenaline (NA). NA targets astroglial aerobic glycolysis, the hallmark of which is the end product l-lactate, a fuel for neurons. Biochemical studies have revealed that astrocytes exhibit a prominent glycogen shunt, in which a portion of d-glucose molecules entering the cytoplasm is transiently incorporated into glycogen, a buffer and source of d-glucose during increased energy demand. Here, we studied single astrocytes by measuring cytosolic L-lactate ([lac]i ) with the FRET nanosensor Laconic. We examined whether NA-induced increase in [lac]i is influenced by: (a) 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG, 3mM), a molecule that enters the cytosol and inhibits the glycolytic pathway; (b) 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-d-arabinitol (DAB, 300µM), a potent inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen degradation; and (c) 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NPA, 1mM), an inhibitor of the Krebs cycle. The results of these pharmacological experiments revealed that d-glucose uptake is essential for the NA-induced increase in [lac]i , and that this exclusively arises from glycogen degradation, indicating that most, if not all, d-glucose molecules in NA-stimulated cells transit the glycogen shunt during glycolysis. Moreover, under the defined transmembrane d-glucose gradient, the glycolytic intermediates were not only used to produce l-lactate, but also to significantly support oxidative phosphorylation, as demonstrated by an elevation in [lac]i when Krebs cycle was inhibited. We conclude that l-lactate production via aerobic glycolysis is an essential energy pathway in NA-stimulated astrocytes; however, oxidative metabolism is important at rest.

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