
Noosphere is understood as the sphere of living reason conditioned by the cosmic evolution of humanity. Noosphere man is the creator and inhabitant of the noosphere. The future of Russian libra ries is predetermined by civilization transformations; therefore, the noospheric man becomes an actual subject of library thought, in particular, the subject of this article. Interpreting this object is possible in two aspects: first, as a user (reader) of library of the future; secondly, as a library worker — professional in librarianship. The article considers three scenarios of formation of noosphere: technological singularity, transhumanist immortalism and panorama of the future of Russia. The author opposes two models of the man of future: technocratic and humanistic. The choice is made in favor of humanistic model of the noosphere man, as it can provide techno-humanitarian balance in post-industrial civilization. The article discusses the possibilities of cultivation of noosphere person and the role of libraries in this pedagogical process. The author emphasizes the need of the advanced education in library-information school.In conclusion, there are presented the alternatives of future development of humanity. In the first half of the 21st century, due to objective and subjective reasons, the humanity faces the choice: technocratic way of development — continuation of spontaneous increase of technological power, ultimately leading to the necrosphere, or humanistic way — cultivation of noosphere man, the creator and inhabitant of steadily developing noosphere. Ascent to the noosphere (the sphere of mind) is possible only under the condition of growing generation of people of noosphere formation. There is no pedagogically grounded model of noosphere person, but it is obvious that the basis for the formation of such model should be the cultural heritage of humankind. Library science, pedagogy and library profession as a whole face the important and responsible task — to ensure the use of diverse library resources for humanistic noospheric transformations of modern society. The national safety of Russia depends on the successful implementation of this task.

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