
We employ the sign-problem-free projector determinant quantum Monte Carlo method to study a microscopic model of SU($N$) fermions with singlet-bond and triplet-current interactions on the square lattice. We find the gapped singlet $p_x$ and gapless triplet $d_{x^2-y^2}$ density wave states in the half-filled $N=4$ model. Specifically, the triplet $d_{x^2-y^2}$ density wave order is observed in the weak triplet-current interaction regime. As the triplet-current interaction strength is further increased, our simulations demonstrate a transition to the singlet $p_x$ density wave state, accompanied by a gapped mixed-ordered area where the two orders coexist. With increasing singlet-bond interaction strength, the triplet $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave order persists up to a critical point after which the singlet $p_x$ density wave state is stabilized, while the ground state is disordered in between the two ordered phases. The analytical continuation is then performed to derive the single-particle spectrum. In the spectra of triplet $d_{x^2-y^2}$ and singlet $p_x$ density waves, the anisotropic Dirac cone and the parabolic shape around the Dirac point are observed, respectively. As for the mixed-ordered area, a single-particle gap opens and the velocities remain anisotropic at the Dirac point.

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