
This paper explores the use of embodied conversational agents (ECAs) and their visual communicative ability to improve interaction with spoken language dialogue systems (SLDSs) through an experimental case study in the application context of secure access by speaker verification followed by remote home automation control. After identifying a set of typical interaction problems with SLDSs and associated with each of them a particular ECA gesture or behaviour, we conducted a comparative evaluation based on ITU recommendations for the evaluation of spoken dialogue systems. User tests were carried out dividing the test users into two groups, each facing a different interface setup: one with an ECA, and the other only with voice output. The ECA group encountered fewer interaction problems. Users’ impressions, however, were similar in both groups, with a slight advantage observed for the ECA group. In particular, the ECA seems to help users to better understand the flow of the dialogue and reduce confusion. Results also suggest that rejection (based on privacy and security concerns) is a dimension in its own right that may influence subjective evaluation parameters closely related to user acceptance.

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