
Monocarbides of thorium, ThC and (Th, U)C, are interesting as alternative fertile material to be used in nuclear breeder systems. They have high metal density, high thermal conductivity and wide homogeneous composition range. Specimens were prepared by carbothermic reduction. Vapor pressures of nonstoichiometric ThC 1± x and (Th 1−y, U y) C 1−x were measured by means of Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. The activities of thorium and carbon of ThC 1±x were derived from the measured vapor pressures of thorium. The change of these activities with C/M ratio was found to be smaller than that of UC 1± x , claiming a better irradiation performance of ThC compared to UC. Based on the vapor pressure measurement of (Th 1− y , Uy) C 1− x, Gibbs energy of formation of (Th 1−y, U yC) was derived as a function of uranium fraction y. Estimation of the chemical state of various fission products in irradiated thorium-uranium mixed monocarbide fuel pins was performed by utilizing SOLGASMIX computer code. In carbide fuel pins more fission product-containing secondary phases are to be formed than in oxide fuel pins. Thus fuel-cladding chemical interaction will be much less in thorium carbide fuel pins compared with oxide fuel pins.

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