
The increasing scientific information clearly demonstrates the important role of inflammation in asthma. This evidence has led physicians to focus their treatment on the elimination of inflammation instead of working solely against bronchoconstriction. Steroids and nonsteroidal agents are currently used to prevent this inflammatory component. This paper focuses only on nonstcroidal anti‐inflammatory agents such as sodium cromoglycate, nedocromil sodium and ketotifen and their use in pediatric asthma. The discussion on each medication addresses its mechanism of action, the evidence concerning its efficacy in pediatrics (ie, clinical pharmacology, acute bronchial challenge, late asthmatic response, bronchial hyperrcactivity, clinical efficacy) and the pediatric dose.


  • RESUME : L 'in formation sc ie ntifique croissantc d0mon tre cla ire me nt le role important de !' infl amma tion dans

  • Sodium cromoglycate inhibits mast cell degranu!ation produced by immu noglobulin E antibody re:ictions, phospholipase A . compound 48/80, and the calcium ionophore A 23 187 [2,3,4]

  • Thi s mast cell membrane stabilization appears to be rL·lated to the phosphorylation or a membrane prote in that can modulate calcium intracellu la r inrlux [5]

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Mechanism of action

The preci se mec hanism of ac ti o n o r sodium cromogl ycate has not bee n co mpletel y el ucidated. O ne of its primary modes of ,tction is tho ught to be the stabilization of mas t cells, whic h. Tclc1,lun c (5 /.I ) 3-15--1 93 1.

Challenge E xerc ise Histamine Exe rc ise Histamine
Bronchodilators rn
Pediatric dose
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