
This chapter examines the impact of nonstandard working schedules on partnership dissolution risk. Using panel data from the Netherlands (NKPS, N = 2,982) and the U.S. (NSFH, N = 4,919), the results shows that having at least one nonstandard schedule worker in the household increases the risk that a partnership might dissolve over time. The negative impact of employment in nonstandard schedules on partnership stability is the strongest in households where nonstandard schedules are worked in a ‘desynchronized ‘manner, when one partner is employed in a nonstandard and the other in a standard schedule. These types of ‘desynchronized’ schedules are furthermore prevalent for households with young children. Employment in nonstandard schedules increases partnership dissolution in both countries, with a weaker effect in The Netherlands, which is likely attributed to stricter working time regulations and protection against the ‘unhealthy’ effect of these schedules.

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