
Quantum orthogonal groups, quantum Lorentz group and their corresponding quantum algebras are of special interest for modern physics [1–4]. M. Jimbo [5] and V. Drinfeld [6] defined q-deformations (quantum algebras) U q (g)for all simple complex Lie algebras gby means of Cartan subalgebras and root subspaces. Reshetikhin, Takhtajan and Faddeev [7] defined quantum algebras U q (g)in terms of the universal R-matrix. However, none of these approaches is able to give a satisfactory presentation of the quantum algebra U q (so(n,ℂ)) from a viewpoint of some problems in quantum physics and representation theory. In fact, several important problems of theoretical physics demand to define an action of the quantum Lorentz group SO q (n,1) and of the corresponding quantum algebra (the real forms of the quantum group SO q (n+ 1, ℂ) and of the quantum algebra U q (so(n+ 1, ℂ)) respectively) upon the quantum (n + 1)-dimensional linear space. The approaches mentioned above are not satisfactory for such definition. Besides, when considering representations of the quantum groups SO q (n +1) and SO q (n,1) we are interested in reducing them onto the quantum subgroup SO q (n). This reduction would give the analog of the Gel’fand-Tsetlin basis for these representations. However, definitions of quantum algebras mentioned above do not allow the inclusions SO q (n+ 1) ⊃SO q (n)and U q (so(n,l)) ⊃U q (so(n)). To be able to exploit such reductions we have to consider q-deformations of the Lie algebra so(n+ 1, ℂ) defined in terms of the generators I k,k−1= E k,k−1−E k−1,k (where E is is the matrix with elements (E is ) rt = δirδ st ) rather than by means of Cartan subalgebras and root elements.

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