
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is characterized by the appearance of bloody diarrhea, resulting from inflammatory changes in the large bowel, which can be ascribed to no definite cause. That this condition occurs in childhood is not generally appreciated, and the reports in the literature and textbooks are reticent on this subject. In 1909 Allchin1stated: I have never seen in children postmortem the appearance of the ulcerations in the large intestines in any way resembling that which is constant in the disease in adults. Morse2did not mention any cases of ulcerative colitis in his review of 14,000 cases of recurrent abdominal pain in children. Helmholz,3in 1923, reported the first 5 recorded cases of ulcerative colitis in children. There followed reports by Bourine4in 1926, Helmholz5in 1926 and again in 1936, Wagner6in 1928, Greenbaum7in 1929, Lamson8in 1931, Winkelstein9

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