
AbstractThe use of polynomial expansion in image registration has previously been shown to be beneficial due to fast convergence and high accuracy. However, earlier work has only briefly out-lined how non-rigid image registration is handled, e.g. not discussing issues like regularization of the displacement field or how to accumulate the displacement field. In this work, it is shown how non-rigid image registration based upon polynomial expansion can be integrated into a generic framework for non-rigid image registration achieving diffeomorphic displacement fields. The proposed non-rigid image registration algorithm using diffeomorphic field accumulation is evaluated on both synthetically deformed data and real image data and compared to additive field accumulation. The results clearly demonstrate the power of the diffeomorphic field accumulation.KeywordsImage RegistrationPolynomial ExpansionRegistration AccuracyAdditive AccumulationHarmonic EnergyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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