
This paper presents theoretical study of nonresonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung by an electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of the pulsed light wave. The electron interaction with a Coulomb potential of a nucleus is considered in the first order of perturbation theory (the Born approximation), and the interaction with an external pulsed field is taken into account accurately. The approximation is examined when pulsewidth is considerably greater than the characteristic time of wave oscillations. The obtained differential cross-section of the process has form of a sum over partial differential cross-sections. Each of them corresponds to processes with emission (absorption) of certain number of wave photons. It is shown, that for spontaneous bremsstrahlung by an electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of a pulsed light wave the distribution of a stimulated emission-absorption probability is determined by the average value of corresponding probabilities in the case monochromatic wave.

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