
In this work, we demonstrate nonreciprocal acoustic wave transmission in two-cascaded Fabry-Perot-like slab resonators undergoing time modulation of their effective density. A phase difference is introduced into the time modulation between the two coupled resonators to produce spatial bias to access unidirectional wave propagation. A theoretical model based on plane-wave expansion and the transfer-matrix method is developed to study the Fabry-Perot-based system. The theoretical model allows rapid and precise characterization of the acoustic dispersion, with results in excellent agreement with finite-element-based numerical simulations. We demonstrate acoustic nonreciprocity behavior for the fundamental acoustic mode and further show that, with proper optimization, the coupled Fabry-Perot-based device can achieve nonreciprocal acoustic frequency conversion. This work could inspire the design of simple and compact nonreciprocal acoustic devices for efficient wave control.

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