
Superscattering effect of subwavelength particles has been intensively investigated due to the broad range of potential applications and the crucial role in understanding light–matter interactions, which is usually achieved by the superposition of multipolar resonances. Nonetheless, for the particles with intrinsic magnetic response the multipolar resonances cannot be completely superimposed due to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry under a bias magnetic field, resulting in substantially different scattering behaviors as is certain. We demonstrate an enhanced unidirectional scattering by the subwavelength magnetic “meta-atoms”, which is triggered by the formation of nonreciprocal Fano resonance arising either from the interference of Mie resonances associated with the double angular momentum channels (AMCs) at lower frequency or from the combinational interaction of Mie resonances associated with the triple AMCs at higher frequency. To identify the connection between the nonreciprocal Fano resonance and the unidirectional scattering, the fundamental rules are established to characterize the performance of nonreciprocal effect. The present research can be extended to the optical regime by considering magneto-optical materials and also instructive for the nonreciprocal photonics and potential applications.

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