
One of the Egyptian gods associated with the healing arts was Thoth. Some time later, the Greek god, Hermes, assumed a similar role, while, in Roman mythology, the same god was known as Mercury. We can trace the role of this god in the various mythologies because of his identification with an emblem showing two serpents on a staff surmounted by wings. From the name of the staff, caduceus, the ancients derived another name for this god, caducifer . Thus, early in the history of medicine and pharmacy we find a pattern that is strikingly modern: short, apparently unrelated trademarks and a somewhat less simple, but more informative, nonproprietary name. As the title of this paper implies, the national and international aspects of nonproprietary nomenclature will be discussed. To put a reasonable limit on such an ambitious undertaking, the discussion of the national aspects of drug nomenclature will be confined primarily

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