
To see if changes in prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) production during early pregnancy in women with habitual abortion is a pregnancy-induced change, we compared the production of these prostanoids in habitual aborters and in healthy controls in nonpregnant state and related it to luteal function. Comparison between patients (n = 16) with a history of at least three consecutive miscarriages and healthy controls without a history of abortions (n = 11). Departments I and II of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Central Hospital of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. Habitual aborters and control women exhibited no change in the urinary output of the stable degradation products of prostacyclin and TXA2 when studied between 0 and 2 and 5 and 8 days after the luteinizing hormone peak. Habitual aborters as a whole, or when subgrouped to those with normal (10 cycles) or defective luteal function (12 cycles) did not differ from the control series with regard to prostacyclin and TXA2 production. Productions of prostacyclin and TXA2 are not relative to the luteal function and are normal in nonpregnant women with a history of habitual abortion.

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