
In these lectures, we discuss different types of renormalization problems in QCD and their non-perturbative solution in the framework of the lattice formulation. In particular the recursive finite size methods to compute the scale-dependence of renormalized quantities is explained. An important ingredient in the practical applications is the Schrödinger functional. It is introduced and its renormalization properties are discussed.Concerning applications, the computation of the running coupling and the running quark mass are covered in detail and it is shown how the Λ-parameter and renormalization group invariant quark mass can be obtained. Further topics are the renormalization of isovector currents and non-perturbative Symanzik improvement.KeywordsMonte CarloQuark MassContinuum LimitWard IdentityQuantum Chromo DynamicsThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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